

Updates and Reflections from Me

On love and empathy

"Sometimes in our culture we think we can't express ourselves or cry because it's seen as weak. But love is strong. It's powerful."

About a year ago my friends Kerry and Lin each introduced me to this amazing On Being Studios podcast interview with Krista Tippett and Congressman John Lewis. Today it is one of my favorite conversations. As a result, this past year I have spent more time thinking about ways to live compassionately. I know my gifts are in building bridges, especially among people who come from different backgrounds and perspectives but what does it look like to act in more compassionate ways on a daily basis? I'm thinking about it again today as we usher in a new year. Thanks to my cousin Julie and friend Stacy Hughes for inspiring me. 

I can't emphasize enough the value of compassionate and nonviolent communication

Kirsten Henning